Thursday Apple Rumors: Apple Meeting With Media Firms

by Christopher Freeburn | August 16, 2012 1:15 pm

daily apple rumors AAPL[1]Here are your Apple rumors[2] and AAPL news items for today:

TV Set or Set-Top Box: Media companies have been in discussions with Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL[3]) over new TV technology that could recognize users’ faces and allow voice commands[4], according to The Wall Street Journal. Many analysts believe Apple is in the process of developing its own TV set. The company already offers a streaming-media device, Apple TV.  Sources say  Apple hasn’t revealed what type of device it’s working on with media company executives and has not presented any proposals to license content for a new device. Some of the discussions have centered on transferring the viewing of media content from one device to another — say from a TV to a tablet — without interrupting the programming. The discussions have fueled some speculation that Apple may be working on a new set-top box that would stream content to a TV instead of an Apple-branded set.

Visually Responsive Touch Pads: Apple has filed for a patent relating to illuminated touch pads that provide user feedback[5], AppleInsider says. The technology was developed for the iPod, but could find its way into MacBooks or other devices. The patent reveals that Apple is working on ways to coordinate touch-pad lighting in response to a user’s finger movement. The touch-pad would not simply be illuminated, but would change color or brightness in response to the user’s actions, providing visual feedback.

Apple Planning Large Oregon Facilities: Apple has shown Prineville, Ore., city leaders its plan for a massive new data center[6], the Associated Press notes. The company wants to build two buildings with a combined 500,000 square feet of space to house data storage equipment. The buildings will contain “data halls,” according to the plans. No construction timetable was disclosed, but Apple has a 10,000 square-foot data center currently under construction on the site. Apple has purchased a 160-acre property for the data centers, as well as offices and parking lots. Under its current agreement with Prineville, Apple will assist the city in developing its water system capacity.

For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors[7] stories.



  1. [Image]:
  2. Apple rumors:
  3. AAPL:
  4. new TV technology that could recognize users’ faces and allow voice commands:
  5. illuminated touch pads that provide user feedback:
  6. its plan for a massive new data center:
  7. Apple Rumors:
  8. Technology:

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