Kindle Users May Get E-Book Refunds

by Nate Wooley | October 15, 2012 9:16 am

Users of Amazon‘s (NASDAQ:AMZN[1]) Kindle may see some refunds coming their way soon. The message came from Amazon in an email to customers Saturday.

The refund and the amount are pending court approval of a settlement in a case brought by the U.S. Department of Justice against Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL[2]) and five publishers, reports Reuters[3]. Three of the publishers have settled so far.

The case concerns collusion between Apple and the publishers regarding the prices of e-books. It contends that prices were set artificially high in an effort to fight Amazon’s strong market position in e-books. The three publishers who have settled are HarperCollins, Simon & Shuster, and Hachette Book Group. None of the three admitted to wrongdoing in the settlement.

Amazon was not named in the lawsuit, but its customers will still benefit from the refund. Amazon also wrote in its email that the settlement could lead to lower prices for e-books.

To qualify for refunds, users must have purchased an e-book from Amazon between April 2010 and May 2012 that was published by one of the three settling publishers. The refunds will range from 30 cents to $1.32 per book, and recipients can get store credit or have paper checks sent to them.

More information can be found at the settlement’s website[4].

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  1. AMZN:
  2. AAPL:
  3. reports Reuters:
  4. at the settlement’s website:
  5. Surprising Findings About E-Book Prices:
  6. Publishers Have Themselves to Blame for Amazon’s Triumph:
  7. It’s True: Amazon Makes No Money From the Kindle:
  8. Technology:

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