Friday Apple Rumors: Apple Donates $2.5M to Sandy Relief

by Christopher Freeburn | November 9, 2012 3:38 pm

daily apple rumors AAPL[1]Here are your Apple rumors[2] and AAPL news items for today:

More Giving: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL[3]) has donated $2.5 million to the American Red Cross to aid efforts to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy[4], VentureBeat noted. Under the late Steve Jobs, Apple was not noted for charitable giving. The company launched a corporate charity in 1987 only to shutter it 15 months later. Since Tim Cook took the reins last year, however, Apple has taken a number of steps to raise its philanthropic profile. The company launched a program to match employee charitable donations up to $10,000 a year, and in February, Apple donated $50 million to Stanford’s hospitals, including $25 million for a new children’s hospital.

Take Two: After winning a $368.2 million jury award against Apple, VirnetX (AMEX:VHC[5]) has filed another lawsuit against the iPhone maker[6], CNET notes. In the new suit, VirnetX says that Apple’s FaceTime video calling app violated four of its networking patents, covering secure communications across Internet connections. Specifically cited in the new lawsuit are the iPhone 5, iPad Mini, fourth-generation iPad, fifth-generation iPod and Mac computers. VirnetX has sued a number of leading technology companies, including Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT[7]) and Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO[8]). VirnetX has also filed complaints against Apple with the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Not Sorry Enough: A British court has fined Apple for failing to post a statement on its website as ordered[9], Forbes notes. After a judge ruled that Samsung had not copied the iPad’s design on its tablets, he ordered Apple to post a statement to that effect on its website. Apple posted a statement that quoted the judge saying that the Samsung tablets lacked the iPad’s distinctiveness and mentioned that other courts had ruled in its favor. The court was not amused and ordered Apple to put up a new statement and to pay Samsung’s legal fees on an indemnity basis, which is higher than the normal rate, signifying the court’s displeasure.

For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors[10] stories.



  1. [Image]:
  2. Apple rumors:
  3. AAPL:
  4. to aid efforts to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy:
  5. VHC:
  6. filed another lawsuit against the iPhone maker:
  7. MSFT:
  8. CSCO:
  9. failing to post a statement on its website as ordered:
  10. Apple Rumors:
  11. Technology:

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