Annuities: A Little Ease of Mind for Retirement

by Marc Bastow | March 11, 2013 9:45 am

The goal of saving for retirement is a constant battle to find sources of income that will remain steady — and hopefully grow — for the long term.

Dividend stocks[1], bonds[2], even Social Security and pension income are all well-traveled slices of the retirement pie. But another layer of income to consider is the annuity.

Annuities can provide a steady stream of income well into your retirement years, yet they don’t show up on the retirement radar screen as often as you might expect. Why? Well, in one man’s opinion, it’s because while annuities seem like a simple concept, it’s a little bit more complicated than just saying, “I’ll give you my money today in exchange for you giving it back to me down the road for the remainder of my lifetime.”

Still, once we pore through the basics, you might find an annuity makes good retirement sense to you.

Annuities generally come in two flavors: deferred and immediate.

Then, they’re divided into two other categories: fixed and variable.

So, these are the basic flavors most investors can choose from. There are more complicated ways to slice and dice these vehicles, but I suspect simpler is better.

Should you choose to go this route, keep these things in mind:

None of this is really too bad if you make sure to spend time with your adviser to understand the mechanics, risks and outcome of an annuity.

Remember, too, that you can buy any number of annuities to even spread that risk around … and any good adviser[3] will tell you not to put all your retirement eggs into this one basket.

Marc Bastow is an Assistant Editor at


  1. Dividend stocks:
  2. bonds:
  3. any good adviser:

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