One of the Best Mutual Funds You Haven’t Heard Of

by Christopher Freeburn | March 28, 2013 11:39 am

mutual fund 401k 630[1]Mark Mulholland’s mutual fund, Matthew 25 (MUTF:MXXVX[2]), has been named the top performing fund in the U.S. diversified stock category[3] in Bloomberg Markets annual mutual fund rankings.

Matthew 25, named after a passage in the Gospel of Matthew, produced an annualized 13.1% return over the past five years. The fund’s holdings have grown to $452 million. The fund has realized gains of 26.8% over the last three years.

The fund’s current success is a turnaround from 2008 when it plunged 40%, causing its assets to decline from $115 million to $22 million. Mulholland told Bloomberg that despite the declines, he knew that the companies he had invested in would ultimately boost the fund’s performance.

Those bets included Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL[4]), Polaris Industries (NYSE:PII[5]) and Cabela (NYSE:CAB[6]).

Mulholland remains optimistic about the economy, noting that corporate earnings are up while stock prices remain undervalued. He has increased his personal investment in the fund to $5.5 million this year.


  1. [Image]:
  2. MXXVX:
  3. top performing fund in the U.S. diversified stock category:
  4. AAPL:
  5. PII:
  6. CAB:

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