Viagra About to Be Available Online

by Nate Wooley | May 6, 2013 11:08 am

Pfizer (NYSE:PFE)[1]Erectile dysfunction drug Viagra will soon be available for purchase online.

The drug’s online availability — said to be inspired by bashful men — will come directly from Pfizer (NYSE:PFE[2]), USA TODAY reports[3].

The move is a challenge to the traditional drug distribution model. Previously, for all prescription-based drugs, a patient needed to buy a drug that went from the maker to a warehouse and then to a pharmacy. Now, with Pfizer selling directly to patients, several steps in the chain are removed, directly connecting patients and the drugmaker.

Pfizer also hopes to undercut online pharmacies with the move. According to Pfizer, many patients go to online pharmacies to get drugs without a prescription. Even if they have a prescription, the drugs supplied might be of inferior quality or simply counterfeit. By selling directly, the patient can be confident that they are receiving the right medicine in the right dosage.

Patients still will need a prescription to receive Viagra via Pfizer’s online system. Also, by going online they can get their first three pills of their prescription for free, and their second prescription will be $30 off.

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  1. [Image]:
  2. PFE:
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