Procter & Gamble Apologizes, Pulls Sexist Swiffer Ad

by Alyssa Oursler | June 10, 2013 12:58 pm

rosieRosie the Riveter — the woman who urged women to join the workforce during World War II and who has since become a symbol of feminism — is indeed a cultural icon.

With that in mind, it’s understandable why Procter & Gamble (PG[1]) wanted to update her and use her in a recent ad.

What I don’t understand, though, is how the company didn’t foresee the controversy that came from an ad showed a lady in Rosie’s trademark outfit her holding a Swiffer steam mop.

The main reaction? Swiffer was urging women to get back into kitchen.

Now, though, Swiffer has apologized[2] and is working to remove the ad everywhere it is being used.


  1. PG:
  2. Swiffer has apologized:

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