5 Moves That Young Investors Need to Make

by Richard Band | August 20, 2013 2:02 pm

youngInvestorsB.png[1]My Profitable Investing[2] subscribers often ask me, “Richard, how do I know whether I’m making the right financial decisions for this stage of my life?”

Obviously, I can’t counsel each person as intimately as if we were sitting in my kitchen. However, I can share with you the storehouse of experience I’ve gained through the decades in accumulating and preserving wealth.

To that end, I’ve put together the following checklist to help you evaluate how you’re doing.

Bear in mind, this list is far from exhaustive. It’s intended merely as a jumping-off point to get you thinking about where stand and where you’re headed. Don’t be alarmed, moreover, if it seems that only a couple of the steps I recommend might work in your situation. That’s OK. If I spur you to take just one action today that will improve your financial future, I’ve accomplished my goal.

5 Moves to Make in Your 20s and 30s

You’ve finished your formal education (or most of it). You’re out in the work force, or you’re married to someone who is. Here are some of the tasks you’ll want to get done during these exciting years as a young investor, when your career and finances are bolting away from the starting line:

Advice for Any Age

My last piece of advice, for investors of all ages: Work up an asset-allocation plan you can live with. One simple method is to earmark 110% of your portfolio, minus your age, to stocks, and the rest to fixed income. Another technique is to aim for a specified cash yield on your investments as a whole. You could shoot for 1%-2% during the “off to the races” phase above, 2%-3% during the “full stride” phase of middle age and 3%-4% during the home stretch.

If you stick with a sensible allocation plan and reinforce it by carrying out the action items I’ve provided in this list, you’re going to build some real wealth.

I know, because that’s exactly how I’ve done it.

Richard Band’s Profitable Investing[9] advisory service helps retirement savers outperform the market without losing a minute of sleep along the way. His straightforward style and low-risk value approach has won seven Best Financial Advisory awards from the Newsletter and Electronic Publishers Foundation.

Like what you see? Sign up for our Young Investors e-letter[10] and get practical investing advice delivered to your inbox every week!


  1. [Image]: https://investorplace.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/youngInvestorsB.png.png
  2. Profitable Investing: https://profitableinvesting.investorplace.com/
  3. Barclays Bank Delaware: https://investorplace.com/wp-admin/www.barclaysus.com
  4. OAKWX: http://studio-5.financialcontent.com/investplace/quote?Symbol=OAKWX
  5. Guardian Life: http://www.guardianlife.com/
  6. MassMutual: http://www.massmutual.com/
  7. MetLife: https://www.metlife.com/
  8. Principal Life: http://www.principal.com/index.shtm
  9. Profitable Investing: https://profitableinvesting.investorplace.com/
  10. Sign up for our Young Investors e-letter: https://order.investorplace.com/?sid=YIS100

Source URL: https://investorplace.com/2013/08/5-moves-young-investors-need-to-make/