Brendan Conway

Brendan Conway

Brendan Conway is the fund blogger and columnist at Barron’s, where he covers ETFs, mutual funds, hedge funds and CEFs for the weekly print edition of Barron’s and daily on the Focus on Funds blog. Brendan is a regular live market commentator on the Wall Street Journal’s “Markets Hub” video at and a co-host of the Focus on Funds weekly video show.

Prior to joining Barron’s, Brendan was a reporter covering stocks and the options market for Dow Jones Newswires and the Wall Street Journal, and has served as managing editor of the quarterly public policy journal The Public Interest in Washington, D.C. and as a member of the editorial board of the Washington Times.

Brendan also serves as a writing coach at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He holds degrees from Harvard and NYU.

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