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InvestorPlace is home to some of the nation’s most successful independent investing analysts. Our goal is to make your investing decisions easy… and very profitable. We offer such a wide range of advice, it doesn’t matter what type of investor you are — you’ll find exactly the kind of insight you need to profit in any market condition.

Louis Navellier

Louis Navellier

From his unconventional start, as a grad student who accidentally built a market-beating stock system, Louis Navellier has delivered returns rivaling even Warren Buffett. Learn More

Eric Fry

Eric Fry

Eric Fry’s an award-winning stock picker with a superior record in good markets AND bad. How? By finding potent global megatrends... just before they take off. Learn More

Luke Lango

Luke Lango

Named the world’s No. 1 investor at 25, Luke Lango is a futurist marvel, whose background in technological innovation and proven method of hypergrowth investing, yield life-changing 10X+ stock picks. Learn More