Jenna Cyprus

Jenna Cyprus

Recent Articles

5 Retirement Investing Pitfalls You Need to Watch out For

No matter what, your retirement investing plan isn’t going to go exactly the way you think it will. It may go better, worse, or somewhere in between, so be prepared for the unexpected.

Don’t Wait for a Policy Change to Start Repaying Your Student Loan Debt

Your student loan debt may seem impossible to pay back, but waiting for government policies to change isn't the answer.

Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask: What’s the Difference Between Options and Futures?

There are many benefits to trading options and futures. Despite having a lot in common, they’re far from the same.

Earning a Living as a Day Trader Is Even Harder Than You Think

Making a living as a day trader is supremely hard. Beyond the stress and the expensive learning curve, day trading has unexpected pitfalls.

What Are the Advantages of Trading Futures?

Trading futures may be a little more involved to learn than stocks and bonds, but the process really is not as complicated as many people think. And there's several compelling advantages to trading futures that make it worth your time to become familiar with them.

The Secrets to Staying on Track and Accomplishing Your Financial Goals

Setting goals is easy. It’s the challenge of staying on track and following through with these goals that’s much more difficult. Accomplishing your financial goals requires patience, discipline and sacrifice.

7 Lifestyle Habits to Make You a Better Investor

There are lots of conventional ways to become a better investor. But you might be surprised to learn that there are some lifestyle habits that can make you a better investor as well.

The 5 Most Common Ways Millennials Waste Money

Millennials aren't necessarily more likely to waste money than other generations, they just do it differently. Here are their biggest pitfalls.

Check Out This Ultimate Checklist for Rebalancing Your Portfolio

If you’re serious about investing, you need to take the time to occasionally and devote it to rebalancing your portfolio. Rebalancing is a way to…

4 Clever Ways to Score a Pay Raise

Sometimes, you need to get creative to get a pay raise. Here are four ways to bump up the amount of pay you take home every month.