Kevin Kelleher

Kevin Kelleher

Kevin Kelleher lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a regular contributor at DailyFinance, and Earth2Tech and has been a contributing writer for Wired, Popular Science,, and

His work has also appeared in Salon, Consumer Reports, CNN Money, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Hollywood Reporter.

Previously, Kevin was a senior editor at The Industry Standard magazine, west coast bureau chief of, founding executive editor of Wired News and a reporter at Bloomberg News covering the collapse of the Japanese stock market.

He holds an MS from Columbia Journalism School and a BA from Reed College.

Recent Articles

An Apple Dividend in 2012? Keep Praying

Shareholders are praying for it, and analysts are even predicting it, but here are four reasons why an Apple dividend will not happen in 2012.

Amazon Investors Should Wait Out the Storm

While the Kindle Fire is cramping Amazon's profit margins, eventual tablet success could further improve its standing as the premier online retailer.

Apple’s Speed Bump Doesn’t Derail Growth Story

Twelve months from now, Apple's "miss" will be long forgotten.

Sprint’s Race to Profit Becomes a Marathon

It's been a tough road for investors, who now face lower margins and higher spending.

Tech Startups May Start Feeling the Pain

Risk aversion is slowing down the flow of seed money to the current generation of entrepreneurs.

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Why We All Overreacted To Netflix

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Don’t Write Off OpenTable Quite Yet

The company may not be in the crosshairs of Google's purchase of Zagat.

Pandora’s Profit Path Doesn’t Match Stock Price

The company's high costs doesn't suggest its current market cap makes sense.