Learning Markets

Learning Markets

LearningMarkets.com was launched in late 2008 and offers free access to high quality educational information about stock, options and Forex investing.

The team is dedicated to creating best-in-class guidance for active investors in a voice that is both transparent and forthright. Contributors include published authors, speakers and active investors.

Visit LearningMarkets.com to learn more.

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Tips Every Forex Trader Must Know

More than $3 trillion in foreign currencies trade back and forth every day in Forex. Forex stands for the FOReign EXchange—the financial exchange on which governments, banks, international corporations, hedge funds and individual investors exchange foreign currencies

4 Tips for Picking the Right Options Broker

Options brokers are not created equal. And the questions you will need to have answered are usually not found in the checklist comparisons that most brokers will give you. We can help.

Forex Trading – Long-term vs. Short-term Trading

Learn the key differences between long- and short-term forex trading.

Put Options – What is a Put Option?

Puts options make it is possible to invest and benefit from declines in the stock market or in individual stocks.

What’s the Better Currency Trade: Forex Futures or Spot FX?

There are a lot of materials out there explaining why the spot market is so much better and cheaper than the currency futures market, but how much is fact and how much is hype?