Mark Wolfinger

Mark Wolfinger

Mark D. Wolfinger grew up in Brooklyn and holds a Bachelor of Science from Brooklyn College and a PhD in chemistry from Northwestern University. After seven years as a research chemist, in 1976, he packed his belongings, left his career behind and headed to Chicago to become a market maker on the trading floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE).

Over the next 23 years, he worked primarily as a floor trader and also held a variety of positions in the industry, including risk manager, and coach for new market makers. When he left the trading floor in 2000, he began to help educate investors on how to use options.

He has published three books and numerous magazine articles. As an educator, he stresses the conservative methods detailed in his newest book, The Rookie’s Guide to Options. He is one of five option writers who founded a new online magazine devoted exclusively to options, Expiring Monthly: The Option Trader’s Journal.

He currently resides in Evanston, Ill., with his life partner, Penny.

Mark also writes a blog called Options for Rookies where comments and questions are welcome.

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