How This Little-Known 5G Stock Could Benefit From An Internet Slowdown

DATELINE: Baltimore, Md.

On March 8, Fortune magazine broke a major tech story about the “new reality” out there regarding internet bandwidth and how it could be affected.

For investment legend Louis Navellier, an internet slowdown scenario screams MAJOR opportunity. He just issued a major buy alert for the company behind a shiny “turbo” device…

It’s tiny, less than 1 inch wide by one-quarter inch tall…

But he has compelling evidence that this so-called “smart antenna” could become the #1 tech sensation of the decade!

His Research Firm Recommended Netflix, and the Price Soared by an Extraordinary 24,221% Over Time.

Look what happened when Mr. Navellier’s research firm spotted Netflix preparing to throw a ton of dynamite into the entertainment industry…


That’s what can happen when you get ADVANCE NOTICE that a truly revolutionary tech breakthrough is about to rock the market.

Now with many people working from home in America…

Mr. Navellier believes a new opportunity like Netflix is on the launching pad.

5G “smart antennas” are the key enabler of the fifth generation of wireless technology now sweeping across America — and FAST.

Economists estimate 5G will drive an extra $12.3 trillion of economic output by 2035. That’s about the size of China’s economy last year!

But for 5G to reach its full potential, all those strange new towers popping up all over your town will need dozens of smart antennas inside.

And this technology is being pioneered by ONE little-known tech company.

Mr. Navellier believes it has what it takes to become the next big thing similar to Netflix.

So we’ve put together a short presentation for anyone who wants the chance to grab a piece of what could become the Next Big Thing… before the price goes ballistic.

For a limited time, you can view the presentation by clicking here.

Click Here To View His Presentation

About Growth Investor

In Growth Investor, we focus on today’s best mid- to large-cap stocks from a variety of sectors. The Buy List contains specific Buy Below prices and is always sorted into 3 categories of portfolio risk–Conservative, Moderately Aggressive or Aggressive–so you can buy according to your personal risk tolerance. Louis Navellier has been involved in the investing world for over 30 years. Since founding their research firm 45 years ago, their elite group has been responsible for accurately forecasting many of the world’s most innovative technological trends and breakthroughs long before they achieved mainstream acceptance.

*All investing includes risk of loss*

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