Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

The Market Spike Strikes Again

If you're a value investor, don't lose your head in a skyrocketing market -- even if it takes several months to come back to Earth.

Buy This Rare Value in Today’s Bloated Market

True values are becoming harder and harder to find as the markets keep chugging along. However, EMC not only seems to fit the bill, but could become an income play sooner than later.

The Market Correction Might Be Tardy, But It Won’t Be Absent

The straight-up rally since December has made stocks extremely overvalued. It's time to take profits -- especially if you're a retirement-minded investor.

Do Bond Buyers Know Something Stock Traders Don’t?

Despite hordes of positive economic news, bonds continue to yield less and less. I recommend holding onto TLT a little longer if you own it in this environment.

3 Ways to Put Your Money to Work Right Now

Bottom line: Trim your stock allocation, and buy only defensive names that are genuinely undervalued.

Gold Gives a Warning Shot to the Market

Not to overstate the significance of gold, but it is an important bellwether of trouble ahead. Right now, it's signaling that stocks just can't keep rising on defensive sectors' strength.

Heed the Signs, Take Your Foot Off the Gas

Think corporate insiders are trading at a cheetah's pace for the fun of it? A correction's a-comin', and until it does, you should stay away from stocks and favor Treasuries instead.

Tiptoe Into Emerging Markets With EEMV

As emerging markets continue to stall, it may be time to buy growth at a bargain. This low-volatility fund will give you low-risk exposure to the sector.

Don’t Pay Luxury Prices for Consumer Staples

Sell your bloated consumer staples stocks now if you hold them in a tax-deferred account. Overpriced merchandise doesn't provide much protection in a falling market.

Try These 2 Substitutes for Stocks

There's no need to stand on the sidelines while stocks are expensive. If you look in the right places, municipal bonds and currencies can offer similar returns.