Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

3 Reasons to Own Bonds

To earn income, to cushion volatility and to beat stocks. Don't let false alarms about a bond bubble steer you away from these durable investments.

The Stock Market Stumble That Wasn’t

After Monday's big run-up in the market, investors had concerns it wouldn't last. But it appears a rally might be at hand for the rest of the year.

3 Ways to Prepare for the Fiscal Cliff

Will Congress avoid the cliff, or let it ride? Prepare for any scenario with these three moves that will keep you safe (without retreating altogether).

Enough Pain for Now-Let’s Look on the Bright Side

The pain in the markets extends to Apple's stock price, but even a hint of optimism on the fiscal cliff issue markets should start to revive so hold tight

2 Utility Stocks Worth a Jolt

Utility companies are losing ground as dividend income tax treatment gets scrutiny after the election. It's a good time for investors to look at these players.

Profit From Energy’s Middlemen

With U.S. energy independence in sight, pipeline MLPs like Kinder Morgan and Enbridge are seeing dollar signs.

Welcome Back, Barack: The Markets React

Barak Obama is back as president and the markets reacted with a 300+ point pullback. Systemic problems still exist and the fiscal cliff must be addressed

Intel a Case in Point For Value and Dividend Investors

Intel is a prime example of a stock that should provide investors with solid returns and dividends long term despite taking a beating short term. Buy it!

Great Market Gains, But the Challenge Is to Keep Them

With gains in the market starting to show some wear, here are four strategies for investors to look through for ways to protect wealth and hedge against losses

A Post-Hurricane Market Bounce Just Right for Investors

Hurricane Sandy is now gone and markets have reopened with a bit of a bounce back. What's left now to move the market is the presidential election next week.