Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

How to Make Google Pay You a Dividend

Here's how to turn Google and eight other big blue chips into an income-generating cash cows.

3 Great Stocks Made Cheap by the Mayhem (HPQ, ORCL, RIMM)

Bargain stocks are popping up all over the technology sector thanks to yesterday's market mayhem. Here are three of my top picks.

Two Low-Risk Dividend Stocks To Hide Out In

The market had what can charitably be called an "interesting" session yesterday that has sparked fears of a worldwide debt crisis. But while some vigilance is called for in the short-term, the panic another white-knuckle ride for the market like we saw in late 2008 is a bit overblown. By making smart, low-risk moves you can limit your risk in the short term if things continue to stay rocky and still tap in to Wall Street's big long-term potential.

Verizon VZ is Better Than You Think

I've puzzled over this question for a long time. But it's more apropos than ever, with the Dow hurdling 11,000 recently and fighting to stay up despite trouble at Goldman Sachs (GS). Why do investors keep repeating self-destructive (money-losing) behavior? And why do they keep shunning Verizon (VZ) when a little research shows this stock is better than its current valuation?

Market Correction is Overdue After 45 Days Without a -1% Slide

This is getting a little too easy! Forty-five calendar days have now elapsed since the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index pulled back even a measly 1%. If you were a visitor from another planet, you would be forgiven for concluding that the stock market always goes up. It certainly has seemed that way since February 23, when the market posted its last significant one-day drop.

How to Avoid Getting Burned By Muni Bonds

Before you plunk another dime into municipal bonds, find out what precautions you need to be taking.

Obama’s New Tax Policy to Boost These Top Dividend Stocks

Two of the best dividend stocks for 2010 are about to get a big boost from the Obama administration's surprisingly favorable tax policy.

Why McDonald’s Has Investors “Lovin’ It”

Investors looking for a money-making company with great earnings prospects, should take a look at McDonald's (MCD). Here's why.

Global Focus Paying Off for McDonald’s, Coke

Thanks to booming international operations, Coke (KO) and McDonald's (MCD) are seeing bigger sales and profits even as American numbers slip.

Two Safe Blue Chips for a Bumpier Ride Ahead

The top stock picks for a market correction are multinational blue chips -- like these two best buys.