Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

How Much Will I Need To Save For Retirement?

Will you have enough money to live the retirement of your dreams? Keep these various factors in mind when planning out your retirement.

ETFs with a Brain?

<p>Index investing has come a long way, but the best<strong> </strong>actively managed funds continue to beat the S&P by a handy margin. So the wizards of finance have gone to work, searching for ways to capture those extra profits while retaining the cost benefits of indexing. </p> <p>The result? Intelligent indexing, also known as “fundamental” indexing. </p> <p>This new breed of index funds doesn’t attempt to own the whole market or every company in a certain size range. Rather, intelligent index funds buy a basket of stocks that pass certain tests for investment merit.</p> <p>Proponents of intelligent indexing have launched a gaggle of exchange-traded funds<strong> </strong>that embody the concept. But do they live up to expectations? And should you be investing in this new breed?</p>