Robert Hsu

Robert Hsu

Robert was born in Taiwan, speaks Mandarin fluently and reads and writes Chinese. But what really sets him apart from other investing experts is his rich history of investment success and his understanding of what’s happening across Asia today. While employed with Goldman Sachs, Robert learned a great deal about international markets, equities, interest rates, currencies and commodities markets. Since then Robert has started his own money management firm, Absolute Return Capital Advisors.

In order to stay on top of investment opportunities across Asia, Robert visits China regularly, as well as employs a boots-on-the-ground team of analysts in China to provide him with up-to-the-minute details on what is happening.

Robert’s advice is that now, more than ever, investors looking to build their wealth must look outside of the U.S. for real and sustainable growth. To attain superior absolute return in the new century, buy-and-hold U.S. stocks are just not going to deliver the profits that he thinks every investor should expect. And in looking to make the biggest returns, Robert’s found that the single best place to find great returns is China, where the economy continues to grow almost 10% a year.

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