Adam Patterson

Adam Patterson

Adam Patterson is an Assistant Editor at InvestorPlace. He focuses on technology, social media, energy, and the intersection of finance and politics.

Adam received a B.A. in Philosophy from Brandeis University with a concentration in philosophy of science — including adjunct studies in ethics and linguistics.

Adam worked previously at The Cohen Group, a Washington, DC-based strategic business advisory firm, where he performed a wide range of targeted research covering political and market analysis.

Adam is a compulsive follower of the science and technology press, and has a special interest in language, neuroscience, and astronomy. Born in San Francisco, California, Adam is a rabid audiophile. In his spare time he endlessly tweaks his overelaborate sound system.

He now lives in Washington, DC, and maintains an active Twitter account:!/ToweringBabble.

Recent Articles

Tuesday Apple Rumors: A Million New iPads Sold in a Day?

Also, Apple's partnership with five major film studios shows progress towards cross-platform media streaming.

Monday Apple Rumors: Apple Planning New $304M Campus

With funding from the Texas Enterprise Fund, AAPL is laying plans for the construction of a $304M Austin campus -- a facility that might support 3,600 new jobs.

Friday Apple Rumors: Netflix Now Available Through iTunes

Netflix subscriptions are now directly available for Apple TV owners -- a partnership that will further Apple's entry into the streaming content market.

Thursday Apple Rumors: Apple Targeted by Justice Department

The U.S. government is threatening antitrust litigation over e-book pricing -- alleging collusion on a sales model hostile to competitors.

Wednesday Apple Rumors: iPad 3 Debuts Today

Apple's pending tablet release expected to further its gain over rivals, with rumored bargain models poised to lure frugal consumers.