Anthony John Agnello

Anthony John Agnello

Anthony John Agnello is a financial journalist, tech writer and critic. He joined as a contributing writer in June 2010.

Anthony began covering the entertainment and technology industries in 2004, and has a keen eye for how artistic movements and consumer tastes can lead to dramatic industry shifts.

His byline has appeared in a wide range of publications and websites including MTV, Electronic Gaming Monthly, The Onion AV Club, The Escapist,, Game Pro and

Recent Articles

Microsoft Needs to Prime the Kinect Pump

Momentum looks to be waning with no new games on tap

Thursday’s Apple Rumors — Canon Fodder

Pundits are speculating on a collaboration with the photo giant.

3 Stocks to Watch in Mobile and Social Gaming

Money can be made in this booming sector.

Tuesday’s Apple Rumors — iPad 2 Power

Opening sales may blow away its predecessor's.

Sprint, T-Mobile Won’t Add Up to a Winner

Joining two telecom also-rans isn't a great strategy.