Anthony John Agnello

Anthony John Agnello

Anthony John Agnello is a financial journalist, tech writer and critic. He joined as a contributing writer in June 2010.

Anthony began covering the entertainment and technology industries in 2004, and has a keen eye for how artistic movements and consumer tastes can lead to dramatic industry shifts.

His byline has appeared in a wide range of publications and websites including MTV, Electronic Gaming Monthly, The Onion AV Club, The Escapist,, Game Pro and

Recent Articles

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Apple’s Next Focus: Becoming Your Wallet

Apple's (AAPL) next line of devices will let you purchase goods with a wave of the hand.

Tuesday’s Apple Rumors — Verizon’s One for All

Verizon's (VZ) version of the Apple (AAPL) iPhone will feature a $30-a-month unlimited data plan for all users.

Google Takes On Groupon

Following a failed $6 billion takeover bid, Google (GOOG) will try to beat Groupon at its own game.