Anthony John Agnello

Anthony John Agnello

Anthony John Agnello is a financial journalist, tech writer and critic. He joined as a contributing writer in June 2010.

Anthony began covering the entertainment and technology industries in 2004, and has a keen eye for how artistic movements and consumer tastes can lead to dramatic industry shifts.

His byline has appeared in a wide range of publications and websites including MTV, Electronic Gaming Monthly, The Onion AV Club, The Escapist,, Game Pro and

Recent Articles

News Corp.: The Next Gaming Giant?

A subsidiary's upcoming Facebook game release could help reopen a business door for Rupert Murdoch's empire.

Friday Apple Rumors: iPhone 5 Pushed Back to 2012?

Report says an Apple production partner is having trouble manufacturing iPhone 5 which may push release date back to 2012.

How Google Will Finally Make YouTube Profitable

Video editing service, coupled with Google+, could be the spark Google's premium video business needs.

Thursday Apple Rumors: China Mobile Says 4G iPhone is Coming

Rumors of the iPhone going 4G have been universally shot down -- until now. See what China Mobile says Apple approved.

Xbox TV: Microsoft Has the Numbers to Win the Internet Television Market

Video game console's market penetration gives Microsoft's streaming video effort a foot in the door that Apple, Google never had.