Anthony John Agnello

Anthony John Agnello

Anthony John Agnello is a financial journalist, tech writer and critic. He joined as a contributing writer in June 2010.

Anthony began covering the entertainment and technology industries in 2004, and has a keen eye for how artistic movements and consumer tastes can lead to dramatic industry shifts.

His byline has appeared in a wide range of publications and websites including MTV, Electronic Gaming Monthly, The Onion AV Club, The Escapist,, Game Pro and

Recent Articles

Disappearing Blocks: EA Embodies Future of Game Sales with Free Tetris

Electronic Arts' new ad-supported version of Tetris could bring in more money for the company than previous single-purchase copies.

Tuesday Apple Rumors: TouchPad Challenges iPad From Beyond the Grave

Clearance-price sellouts of the TouchPad might be giving Hewlett-Packard second thoughts about its exit from tablet sales. Will it rise from the grave?

Lowering the Pirate Flag: The New Legitimate Face of Entertainment in China

China's Youku and Baidu, considered major piracy outlets, have signed agreements with record labels, book publishers and American media producers that could clean up their acts.

Amazon’s Opening to Tackle the iPad: A Game of Pricing Limbo

HP TouchPad's colossal failure -- and subsequent markdowns -- showed Amazon and other tablet makers the key to beating the iPad: Drop prices as low as they can go.

Monday Apple Rumors: No More 99-Cent Rentals

Almost a year after their inception -- and after fuming from television companies -- Apple yanks 99-cent TV show rentals from iTunes.