Anthony Mirhaydari

Anthony Mirhaydari

Anthony Mirhaydari is founder of the Edge and Edge Pro investment advisory newsletters.

He is an independent investment columnist with work appearing at Investorplace, The Fiscal Times, CBS News MoneyWatch, MSN Money, Yahoo Finance, and Dow Jones MarketWatch. He started covering the markets and the economy in the media in 2008 in the midst of the greatest financial crisis in generations.

Previously, he was a senior research analyst with Markman Capital Insight, an advisory and money management firm, and a business consulting analyst with Moss Adams focusing on the financial-services industry.

Recent Articles

3 Ways to Play the Bounce in Emerging Markets

While U.S. large-cap stocks have zoomed right back up to re-challenge the record highs set in September, stocks in emerging markets haven't come along for the ride. That looks set to change.

Stock Market Breaks as S&P 500 Tests 2,000

The computer trading algorithms that control the stock market were sent into overdrive Thursday, causing quote outages and other mix-ups.

Fed Takes the Axe to QE3

The end of the Federal Reserve's QE3 stimulus sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average back below 17k on Wednesday.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Retakes 17,000

The Dow Jones Industrial Average's rise to 17k shows the market's dependance on stimulus and raises the stakes about as high as they can go for Wednesday's decision to end QE3.

All Eyes on the Fed Ahead of QE3 Decision

There's been some chatter in recent weeks that maybe the Fed could surprise everyone again by stringing QE3 along for another month or two.