Brandy Betz

Recent Articles

Leadership Change, Mixed Messages at Canon

With veteran Canon CEO and chairman Fujio Mitarai, taking on an additional leadership role as president, the company seems stable, but its outlook is cautious.

RIM’s Wobbly Future

Slow rollouts, security mishaps, and fierce competition in the business-user market keep chipping away at RIM's market share. But don’t count it out yet.

Amazon’s Expanding Ventures in Cloud Computing

With the introduction of DynamoB and AWS, Amazon aims to attract more business customers to its cloud services.

Does Google’s New Privacy Policy Dance with ‘Evil’?

Even though users have been complaining about the lack of opt-out options in Google's new, unified privacy policy, investors seem unconcerned -- for now.

Zynga Gets Zinged for Playing Copycat

Tiny game maker Nimbit claims a new Zynga game, Dream Heights, is a bit too similar to its Tiny Towers. And this leads to a bigger concern.