Brandy Betz

Recent Articles

Android Apps Grapple with Pricing Issues

Android Apps can be relatively pricey, a survey shows, although the operating system is still hugely popular, and some hope it will expand to desktop PCs.

Microsoft Jabs Google Over Business Products, Privacy Strategy

While Google grapples with PR problems, Microsoft goes on the attack, belittling Google's apps selection for business and its privacy policy plan.

Amazon Launches Simple Workflow for Business

Amazon's latest cloud-based program, Simple Workflow, allows businesses to develop proprietary applications for billing, analytics, and other functions.

Buzz for 3 Smartphone Makers at the Mobile World Conference

The Mobile World Conference, scheduled for next week in Barcelona, is a huge smartphone showcase. Here's an overview of products from three major brands.

RIM Updates Its BlackBerry Tablet

Research in Motion's PlayBook tablet now provides email support and other key features, but it will take more than a PlayBook upgrade to improve RIM's fortunes.