Brandy Betz

Recent Articles

Mozilla Eyes Windows 8 Compatibility, Firefox Mobile App Store

Privately held Mozilla is preparing its Firefox Web browser for mobile adoption. Its success or failure can have ripple effects on its publicly traded rivals.

One Billion Smartphone Users by 2016, Forrester Says

One billion people are expected to own smartphones and tablets by 2016, research shows, growing the markets for apps and related business strategies.

A Wobbly Week for Foxconn

Over the course of a week, Apple manufacturing partner Foxconn saw the launch of a labor-practices audit, withdrew a bond sale, and endured a security attack.

With Google Wallet, Small Security Issues Grow

As vulnerabilities in Google Wallet have shown, security is becoming ever more critical as Android smartphone software forges deeper into retail transactions.

Google Eyes the Consumer Cloud with Drive

A long-rumored project may finally be coming to fruition. Called Drive, it would offer simplified cloud-storage services to consumers using any connected device.