Chris Fraley

Chris Fraley

Recent Articles

Why Apple Inc. (AAPL) Stock Won’t Take Off When the iPhone 8 Hits

A new Apple (AAPL) iPhone release used to give AAPL stock an automatic 10-15% bounce. These days they barely move the needle on Wall Street.

Are Apple Inc. (AAPL) Stock Holders Desperate for a Driverless Car?

Apple doesn't excite the way it once did, and AAPL stock eventually could suffer as a result. A move into driverless cars could prevent that.

Rite Aid Corporation (RAD) Stock and the Folly of Calling a Bottom

The longer Rite Aid goes without a Walgreens buyout, the further RAD stock falls. And, it may not even have hit rock bottom, yet.

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) Stock Wins Big on Epyc Launch

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) launched a potentially revolutionary new server chip, and AMD stock is getting lots of investor love.

General Electric Company (GE) Stock Has a Catalyst You Might’ve Missed

GE stock got a brief pop after ousting embattled CEO Jeff Immelt. But a possible sale of General Electric's lighting unit is the bigger news.