Christopher Freeburn

Christopher Freeburn

Christopher T. Freeburn has been a financial writer and editor for more than 10 years. He has worked at industry trade publications like Food Logistics, ChemicalWeek and Institutional Investor. His freelance articles have appeared in a variety of magazines, including Technology Review, Audubon and USA Weekend. He lives in Westchester County, just outside New York City.”

Recent Articles

Gold Gains as Debt Ceiling Deadline Looms

Gold rose modestly in Wednesday trading as talks between Democrats and Republicans to raise the debt ceiling continued ahead of the Treasury's deadline.

Wednesday Apple Rumors: Retina iPad Mini Could Outsell New iPad 2:1

Apple may sell twice as many Retina iPad Minis as iPad 5s over the holidays; Apple to hold media event on Oct. 22; and iPhone 5c orders cut on weak sales.

New Drug Could Cut ‘Bad’ Cholesterol Nearly in Half

Late stage trials of Alirocumab, an anti-cholesterol drug from Regeneron and Sanofi, showed promising results.

Gold Dips as Optimism Rises for Debt Ceiling Deal

Rising investor confidence sent gold lower on Tuesday, as lawmakers in Washington move toward a deal to avert a U.S. default and reopen the government.

Tuesday Apple Rumors: Apple Developing Budget iMac

Apple to debut lower-priced iMac to combat sliding sales; Flextronics is hiring Texas workers to build Mac Pros; and iOS 7 installed on 71% of iOS devices.