Christopher Freeburn

Christopher Freeburn

Christopher T. Freeburn has been a financial writer and editor for more than 10 years. He has worked at industry trade publications like Food Logistics, ChemicalWeek and Institutional Investor. His freelance articles have appeared in a variety of magazines, including Technology Review, Audubon and USA Weekend. He lives in Westchester County, just outside New York City.”

Recent Articles

Thursday Apple Rumors: Retina iPad Mini Launch Moved Up

Apple to launch a Retina iPad Mini this year; leaked components show iPhone 5S fingerprint scanner; and one carrier to drop some iPhone 5's this month.

Qualcomm Jumps on the Smartwatch Wagon

Qualcomm has unveiled its own $300 smartwatch called the Toq, but intends it mostly as a technology demonstration.

Auto Sales Are Soaring in U.S.

In August U.S. auto sales hit a 16.09 million vehicle annualized rate, a sales pace not seen since before the economic downturn.

BlackBerry Could Have a Buyer as Early as November

BlackBerry is moving to find a buyer as quickly as possible and could hold an auction for the company by November.

Gold Drops Despite Safe Haven Indicators

Gold fell sharply in Wednesday trading in spite of increasing Middle East tensions and a strike by South African gold miners.