Christopher Freeburn

Christopher Freeburn

Christopher T. Freeburn has been a financial writer and editor for more than 10 years. He has worked at industry trade publications like Food Logistics, ChemicalWeek and Institutional Investor. His freelance articles have appeared in a variety of magazines, including Technology Review, Audubon and USA Weekend. He lives in Westchester County, just outside New York City.”

Recent Articles

Juniper: Top 10 Mobile Trends for 2013

Juniper Research has released a white paper with its top 10 mobile device trends for 2013, including wearable computers and a resurgent Microsoft.

Dell Says No More Android Smartphones

Speaking at the Dell World conference, a Dell executive said that the company would not attempt to re-enter the Android smartphone market.

Institutional Selling Sends Gold Tumbling

Gold dropped sharply in Thursday trading as rising fears that the U.S. will go over the fiscal cliff prompted a wave of institutional futures selling.

Thursday Apple Rumors: Half of Phone Shoppers Want iPhone 5

A majority of U.S. phone shoppers want the iPhone 5; Samsung's strategy chief uses Apple products at home; and new Macs will boost hybrid hard drive sales.

Gold Sent Higher on Fed’s QE Plans

Gold gained on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve said it would continue quantitative easing.