Christopher Freeburn

Christopher Freeburn

Christopher T. Freeburn has been a financial writer and editor for more than 10 years. He has worked at industry trade publications like Food Logistics, ChemicalWeek and Institutional Investor. His freelance articles have appeared in a variety of magazines, including Technology Review, Audubon and USA Weekend. He lives in Westchester County, just outside New York City.”

Recent Articles

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Google (GOOG) is backing a $50 million initiative called Made with Code to promote programming to girls.

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LiveDeal shares jumped more than 12% in Wednesday midday trading after LIVE said restaurant registrations surged 400% in May.

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Apple adds new iMac starting at $1,099; Japanese firms receive record iPhone 6 parts orders; and Kanye West says Samsung 'not quite Apple.'

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A third-party Android app store operator has filed a complaint with the EC, accusing Google of violating antitrust laws with Google Play.