Dana Blankenhorn

Dana Blankenhorn

Expertise: Technology, Biotech, Renewable energy

Education: M.S,J. Northwestern (Medill School) 1978; B.A. Rice University, History and Political Science 1977

Awards & Accomplishments: Tech reporter since 1982, Freelance since 1983, on Internet since 1985. Created first online coverage of Internet with a magazine, Interactive Age, 1994 Co-wrote BBS Systems for Business in 1991, Wrote Guide to Field Computing in 1992 Wrote technology history now called "Living with Moore's Law" in 2001, 2010, 2021 Author of over a dozen books, both fiction and non-fiction

About Dana:
Dana Blankenhorn has been a financial journalist since 1978, a technology journalist since 1982, and an Internet journalist since 1985. He writes a Substack newsletter, Facing the Future, which covers technology, markets, and politics.

He has written a half-dozen technology books, several novels available at the Amazon Kindle store, and covered beats ranging from education to e-commerce, and from open source to renewable energy. He lives in Atlanta.

Recent Articles

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