Daniel Putnam

Daniel Putnam

Daniel Putnam is a professional financial writer with 18 years of experience writing articles about the financial markets, investment ideas, and personal finance.

Daniel holds a Master’s of Business Administration from Boston College and has traded stocks and options successfully for more than 20 years. Daniel lives in the Boston area with his wife and two children.

Recent Articles

September Says It All: Boom Times for the Rest of 2013

Since 1980, a positive September has raised the odds of a strong showing for the stocks in the fourth quarter. Will this pattern hold in 2013?

Does QE Really Matter for Gold?

The conventional wisdom is that quantitative easing boosts the price of gold, but this assertion isn't supported by gold's actual performance results.

Muni Bonds’ Appeal Has Just Gotten Broader

Municipal bonds now offer extremely attractive after-tax yields even for those in the 25% and 28% tax brackets. How will this impact the outlook for munis?

Currencies Are Slapping Emerging-Market Bonds

Local-currency emerging-market bonds have been hit hard of late. What's driving the selloff, and what it will it take to get emerging currencies on track?

Are SPDRs Truly Your Best Sector Bet?

SPDRs are usually investors' first choice for sector ETFs, but an equal-weighted approach has provided a better "pure play" -- and higher historical returns.