Daniel Putnam

Daniel Putnam

Daniel Putnam is a professional financial writer with 18 years of experience writing articles about the financial markets, investment ideas, and personal finance.

Daniel holds a Master’s of Business Administration from Boston College and has traded stocks and options successfully for more than 20 years. Daniel lives in the Boston area with his wife and two children.

Recent Articles

Buy Apple NOW!

Apple stock -- now 25% off of its high -- is an early Christmas present for contrarian investors.

By Any Measure, Physical Gold Trumps Mining Stocks

Gold mining stocks may be an interesting short-term trading vehicle, but for long-term investors gold itself is the clear choice.

Small-Caps’ Drubbing May Spell Opportunity

Investors' elevated risk aversion has fueled a correction in small-cap stocks. Does this signal an opportunity in small-caps, or is further pain ahead?

November’s Pain Could Be December’s Gain

Could the fiscal cliff worries be a buying opportunity? It looks that way, if historical seasonal patterns remain in place.

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The One Chart Investors in Steel, Coal and Aluminum Stocks MUST See

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