Daniel Putnam

Daniel Putnam

Daniel Putnam is a professional financial writer with 18 years of experience writing articles about the financial markets, investment ideas, and personal finance.

Daniel holds a Master’s of Business Administration from Boston College and has traded stocks and options successfully for more than 20 years. Daniel lives in the Boston area with his wife and two children.

Recent Articles

The High Risk of ‘Safe Havens’

"Safe havens" such as bonds, gold and defensive stocks are lagging higher-risk investments in this selloff. What does this say about the market outlook?

Seasonal Patterns Say to Buy Gold, Sell Semiconductors

Seasonal patterns aren't always reliable, but these charts show that it's nearing time to buy gold and take profits in semiconductors.

Don’t Fear a QE Tapering … Whenever It Finally Comes

Wall Street breathed a sigh of relief when the Fed announced that it wouldn't yet taper its quantitative easing policy. But should it fear tapering in the first place?

Emerging-Market Debt: As Vulnerable as Ever

Emerging-market bonds have matured as an asset class in the past decade, but once investors start worrying about risk, emerging debt is as vulnerable as ever.

The REAL Threat to the Markets This Summer

Can U.S. stocks hold up if China's economy is as weak as some market segments are indicating? Don't bet on it.