David Becker

David Becker

David Becker is a finance writer and capital markets analyst . With more than 20 years of experience in trading, he runs a consulting business that focuses on investing, risk management and derivatives hedging. Becker holds a B.A. in economics.

Recent Articles

3 Consumer Discretionary Stocks You Can Win With in Q4

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XLF: Rising Yields Should Shine on the Financial Sector

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USO: Make Money in Calmer Oil Waters

45-year highs in oil production should reduce volatility, playing to the strengths of this USO options trade.

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A rising dollar could stop gold from making its normal seasonal climb. Here's how to play the yellow metal should things go south.

Volatility Could Soar After the September ECB Meeting

A returning legion of Wall Streeters met with disappointing decisions from the ECB could drive volatility higher next week.