David Fabian

David Fabian

David currently is a Managing Partner at FMD Capital Management, a fee-only registered investment advisory firm specializing in exchange-traded funds. He has years of experience constructing actively managed growth and income portfolios using ETFs. David regularly contributes his views on wealth management in his company blog, podcasts, and special reports.

Visit fmdcapital.com to learn more, and contact David on Twitter at @fabiancapital.

Recent Articles

3 Strategic Income ETFs for Retirement Planning

These 3 dividend ETFs are perfect for anyone doing retirement planning -- they not only offer income, but do so across three asset classes.

4 Smart Beta ETFs That Stand Out From the Crowd

While this year found many fundamental or “smart beta” ETFs at parity with their passive benchmarks, these four select ETFs are worth the added layer of sophistication.

2 Vanguard ETFs for Steady Retirement Income

The variable styles of these two Vanguard ETFs will continue to work in harmony as consistent retirement income producers and provide positive correlation to the stock market for those that need it.

Reach All-Time Highs With QQQ

QQQ offers an excellent way to track large, growth-oriented companies in the technology arena through a low-cost investment vehicle.

The Perfect Technology ETF for Dividend Investing

Investors seeking to increase the yield of their portfolios while still focusing on capital appreciation should consider these ETFs.