David Fabian

David Fabian

David currently is a Managing Partner at FMD Capital Management, a fee-only registered investment advisory firm specializing in exchange-traded funds. He has years of experience constructing actively managed growth and income portfolios using ETFs. David regularly contributes his views on wealth management in his company blog, podcasts, and special reports.

Visit fmdcapital.com to learn more, and contact David on Twitter at @fabiancapital.

Recent Articles

Don’t Bail out of Europe Quite Yet (VGK, HEDJ)

Europe stocks and ETFs aren't reacting well to ECB stimulus measures, but a snap-back might be in order for funds like VGK or HEDJ.

SDOG – Dividend Dogs Are an Income Hunter’s Best Friend

The ALPS Sector Dividend Dogs ETF (SDOG) twists an old market theory to produce superior sector balance and better-than-average yield.

This Unique Dividend ETF Is Quietly Killing the Competition

The Global X Super Dividend U.S. ETF (DIV) is an intriguing income holding now, and over time, the dividend ETF could be worthy of a core portfolio slot.

Don’t Mourn the Death of iShares’ Target-Date Funds

iShares is shutting down its target-date funds, but those types of funds aren't for savvy ETF investors, anyway. Retirement planners should look at these funds instead.

Why Is the SPY Overreacting to the Selloff?

The SPY ETF still is the most popular way to get S&P 500 exposure, but its recent movement says a lot about who's actually buying it.