Dave Gilbert

Recent Articles

This Earnings Season Might Catch Wall Street Off Guard

It's earnings season, and companies are up on the "chopping block," so to speak. But this time around, Wall Street might be the one to be surprised at what's to come...

3 Tips for Investing Success from… Who?!

Baseball is the oldest of all American sports, and it has a rich history of unique and colorful wisdom. And you might be surprised what some legendary baseball quips can teach us about investing...

The Hardest (Yet Most Important) Thing Investors Should Do Right Now

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." 1It’s hard to argue with that statement when it comes from no less than the Oracle of Omaha himself, and one of the most successful investors of all time. And the evidence is clear that the seeds of big future profits are planted in markets exactly like this one…

There Really Are Opportunities in Something 100 Million Years in the Making

Can something as old as dirt (and as dirty as dirt) really be an exciting investment opportunity in this age of breakthrough technologies and ongoing innovations? Well, yes. We clearly can’t live without oil. Demand is expected to increase for 30 more years before alternative energy sources finally begin to take over. And now, thanks to yesterday’s big news, supply is set to shrink even as demand continues to rise. That’s where opportunity comes in… and one reason why related stocks have been on the move.

How to Approach the Fourth Quarter after Its Strong Start

"‘Tis the season to be jolly…" I know. It’s only October, but it seems to get earlier every year. It won’t be long before stores start piping in holiday music to spark some good old-fashioned holiday spending. But from the stock market’s perspective, it already is the season to be jolly. Seems like the market got the memo based on the big rally in the first two days of trading. And with Q4 typically boding well for the stock market, we all want to know.. can this trend continue?