Dave Gilbert

Recent Articles

This One-Time King Is in Danger of Becoming Just Another Electric Vehicle Company

With competition and supply chain issues, is electric vehicle company Tesla losing its luster?

The Surprising Truth about Investing During a Recession

Recession chatter is on the rise, and investing seems daunting. Here’s a reality check.

American Independence Is a Powerful New Megatrend

We could be on the threshold of a new era of American independence and prosperity.

The End of One Megatrend Plus the Beginning of Another Equals Opportunity

Megatrends will always ebb and flow, and it’s critical to know when the next tide comes in.

Making Sense of the Senseless

It’s frustrating, complicated, and even painful to invest at times like this. That said, the worst things an investor can do are panic, try to time and predict the market, and/or give up.