

ETFguide is the information leader on exchange-traded funds because of its vendor neutral approach and its progressive reporting style. Unique features include an ETF bookstore, a monthly e-mail newsletter and subscription based ETF portfolios.

ETFguide is independently owned and began publishing in 2003. The site reaches an affluent audience of individual investors, financial advisors, and financial institutions that invest and work with ETFs.

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Is this a Fool’s Gold Bubble or a Real Rally?

People are jumping on the gold bandwagon just like they jumped on the dotcom bandwagon and the real estate bandwagon and every other bandwagon before them. Is this time different? Never mind gold’s +20% plus rise this year, it still has a lot of overlooked weaknesses as an asset class. Goldbugs won’t like this, but here’s just a few:

Why This Will be a Ghoulish Week on Wall Street

Very likely by Friday we will be living in a vastly altered political and economic landscape shaped by the outcome of this potentially ghoulish week.

Can You Trust Earnings Reports?

Trusting earnings reports can be difficult as Warren Buffett, banks and financial institutions have found ways to bend accounting rules.

Barclays to Reverse Split VIX ETN

Barclays plans a reverse split of its VIX ETN, giving shareholders of record Nov. 8 one share for every four shares held in the exchange-traded notes.

ETFs Gaining Traction with 401(k) Service Providers

With almost $1 trillion in assets and growing it’s pretty clear the investing public and financial professionals have embraced ETFs. But one place that has been slow to embrace them is 401(k) retirement plans. That’s because the vast majority of today’s 401(k) plans are built upon legacy systems that only accommodate mutual funds.