

ETFguide is the information leader on exchange-traded funds because of its vendor neutral approach and its progressive reporting style. Unique features include an ETF bookstore, a monthly e-mail newsletter and subscription based ETF portfolios.

ETFguide is independently owned and began publishing in 2003. The site reaches an affluent audience of individual investors, financial advisors, and financial institutions that invest and work with ETFs.

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Recent Articles

Van Eck Introduces China A-Shares ETF

The New York, NY-based investment firm debuted the Market Vectors China ETF (NYSE: PEK) which proposes to track A-shares.

4 in 1 Physical Precious Metals Basket Launches

A newly launched exchange-traded product called the ETFS Physical Precious Metal Basket Shares (NYSE: GLTR) removes some of the guesswork. GLTR owns physical gold, silver, platinum and palladium in fixed equal weights. Each metal represents a 25% position within the basket.

Why ETFs In 401(k) Plans Make Sense

ETFs are shaking up the mutual fund industry and 401(k) market, because they offer advantages as lower costs and wider choices for retirement plans.

Invesco PowerShares to Close 10 ETFs

Invesco PowerShares Will Eliminate 10 ETFs.

Try the Stock Replacement Strategy

Do you ever get the feeling that your stock portfolio has been going nowhere fast? Even though stocks are up around 70% from their March…