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3 Mutual Fund Warning Signs

There’s around $10.5 trillion invested in mutual funds, according to the Investment Company Institute and tragically, many investors own funds with undesirable characteristics. What are these mutual fund warning signs?

Master Limited Partnership (MLP) ETF Funds Launched

ALPS Distributors introduced the Alerian MLP ETF (NYSE: AMLP) yesterday. The new ETF is linked to the Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index which is comprised of 25 midstream energy master limited partnerships. The index is float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted.

Bear Market Math – Are the July Lows in Danger?

The S&P 500 has dropped over -5% in the last three or four weeks. The reversal from up to down occurred at a point that hosted well known resistance levels. Technically speaking, this is bearish. How about other facts? Are the July lows in danger? Here’s a common sense, simple math approach to the subject.

Bank Failures Keep Coming as FDIC Bailouts Average 8 a Week

The FDIC rescued eight banks last week including the notorious ShoreBank in Chicago. The deposit insurance fund is likely to run out of money in the next few months. The Obama administration's HAMP program is also failing and this will lead to a greater number of bank failures this fall and next year.

401k Retirement Portfolio Gone Bad? Here’s How to Fix It

These are trying times for 401k funds, retirement portfolios and stock investors. Yields on cash is at depressing levels and the stock market has been flat most of the year. The typical individual investor is swinging for the fences with a blindfold on. Look no further than the trillion dollar retirement plans marketplace, which offers a good case study in the Land of Loserville.