

ETFguide is the information leader on exchange-traded funds because of its vendor neutral approach and its progressive reporting style. Unique features include an ETF bookstore, a monthly e-mail newsletter and subscription based ETF portfolios.

ETFguide is independently owned and began publishing in 2003. The site reaches an affluent audience of individual investors, financial advisors, and financial institutions that invest and work with ETFs.

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Recent Articles

ETF Roundup: Bull and Bear Treasury Funds Hit the Street

A series of new exchange traded funds and investment products targeting commodities, emerging market debt and U.S. Treasury bonds have just debuted. Let’s analyze these ETF funds now.

3 Mutual Fund Winners

Here are three simple investment tips to help ensure your 401k investments are on the right track.

Meltdown is Possible, According to Technical Indicators

With the death cross still intact, the S&P dropped below its 200-day moving average, which is bad news .

Charles Schwab Debuts 3 Government Bond ETFs

Charles Schwab unveiled new bond ETFs that offer exposure to U.S. Treasuries with short-term, intermediate term and inflation protected securities. Schwab’s bond ETFs will join the investment firm’s eight stock ETFs, which have around $1.4 billion in assets.

5 Reasons Why the Bear Market Isn’t Over

To many, the market’s performance seems random. There are, however, many patterns and indicators (such as sentiment) that can help investors to significantly increase their odds of profiting.