Greg Gambone

Greg Gambone

Greg Gambone is the Senior Vice President of Anything Needed Financial, a small financial advisory firm in NJ. His expertise is in corporate investment management, retirement planning, and employee benefits. He has been writing since 1997 and released his first book, “Financial Planning Basics,” in 2007. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Greg lives in New Jersey with his two children, Giovanni and Giuliana. When he’s not working, Greg coaches youth wrestling in his hometown, and he plays APA pool.

For an interesting, often entertaining, sometimes startling look into the mind of this pool-playing financial-advising single father of two kids, follow Greg on Twitter and Instagram.

To stay updated with his most current writings, visit or subscribe to Greg’s Flipboard magazine “Twisted Nonsense Investments”.

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