InvestorPlace Research Staff

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The Case for Nokia Stock Simply Isn’t Strong Enough

NOK stock briefly joined the ranks of 'meme stocks.' But there's a good reason why the spike didn't hold: the long-term outlook remains bleak.

At the Highs, Pinterest Stock Remains a Buy

PINS stock was one of 2020's biggest winners. But so was Pinterest's business. And the foundation laid last year should drive upside going forward.

Bumble Stock: Wait for a Better Entry Point with This Dating App Play

I'm waiting for recent online-dating IPO Bumble stock to fall back to more reasonable price levels, and so should you.

Ignore the Second Round of ‘Meme Stock Mania’ in Koss Stock

Anyone buying KOSS stock today is gambling, not investing. With its share price divorced from its fundamentals, there's no rational reason to buy Koss right now. Stay away.

23andMe Merger Makes VG Acquisition Stock a Buy

VGAC stock has slumped, perhaps because investors were hoping for a different merger partner. But the 23andMe deal looks like a winner.