Ivan Martchev

Ivan Martchev

Ivan Martchev is a research consultant with institutional money manager Navellier and Associates.  Previously, Ivan  served as editorial director at InvestorPlace Media. Ivan was editor of Louis Rukeyser’s Mutual Funds and associate editor of Personal Finance. As co-editor of Wall Street Winners, he has been ranked #1 in the U.S. by investment performance.

Ivan is also co-author of The Silk Road to Riches (Financial Times Press). The book provided analysis of geopolitical issues and investment strategy in natural resources and emerging markets with an emphasis on Asia. The book also correctly predicted the collapse in the US real estate market, the rise of precious metals, and the resulting increased investor interest in emerging markets. Ivan’s commentaries have been published by MSNBCDow JonesBloombergThe Motley Fool, InvestorPlace and others.


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